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Happy Kurt Cobain Day Aberdeen

February 20, 2014

Today is officially Kurt Cobain Day within the City of Aberdeen.

Mayor Bill Simpson announced the proclamation for the yearly celebration in January, 20 years after his death, to celebrate what would be Cobain’s birthday.

In honor of the day, the City and the Aberdeen Museum of History will unveil a statue of Cobain titled, “Cement Resurrection” tonight at the Museum along with a 30 minute concert by the band Gebular who had previously performed at the Kurt Cobain Memorial Foundation’s “Lounge Acts” show in 2008.

In October it was announced that the museum would be starting the Aberdeen Music Experience exhibit, containing items left by fans from all over the world, Nirvana t-shirts, a couch that Kurt Cobain slept on, and numerous other items.

The statue will open to the public at 5:30 pm tonight. Artist Randi Hubbard will be on hand, as well as an original drummer of Nirvana, Aaron Burckhard, and Cobain’s first guitar teacher, Warren Mason.

Following the announcement that Nirvana was being inducted into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame, the City of Hoquiam also announced Nirvana Day on April 10th.

Nirvana has sold over 25 million albums in the United States and over 75 million world-wide and will be inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame on April 10th.

Cobain would have been 47 today.


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